Tokenomics of ALPHA
Total Supply:
1,000,000,000 ALP
Tax: 3% (Token22 standards)
The tax is used for:
1% reflections 1% marketing 0.5% donations 0.5% burn
Distribution and Vesting:
Liquidity | 70% | 100% burned |
Airdrop (for pre-selected memecoin & NFT holders) | 11% | 30% Supply (9% total supply) from airdrop will be unlocked at TGE |
Presale round investors | 8% | No vesting |
Marketing Reserve | 5% | Used for community activities, PR, etc. |
Ecosystem | 4% | 18 months vesting period |
The tokenomics are decided with a careful evaluation based on the ongoing market status and trends. We believe it would maximize both the short-term and long-term interest of all Alpha members.
Last updated